Berlin’s Open Air Kinos

Theresa Traubel rounds up Berlin’s best open air cinemas…

Watching a great movie on a hot night beneath the stars is one of those magical social pleasures, like chilling with friends in a beer garden or park, that can create beautiful summer memories.

Berlin has several excellent outdoor cinemas, which usually open from May until September. I’ve rounded up some of the best below, but besides these you can also find one-off screenings and mini-festivals in unique venues arranged by the likes of Mobile Kino, and the Berlin Film Society.

These screenings usually take place at the charismatic Insel der Jungend at Treptower Park, Friedrichshain’s Urban Spree, while others are screened at Neue Heimat (part of the RAW-Gelände complex in Friedrichshain), and at Neukölln’s rooftop hotspot Klunkerkranich, among other fabulous locations.

Given the largely international audience in Berlin, these pop-ups tend to fuse a range of genres, from arthouse, cult classics, new releases, independent features, documentaries and short films, and usually offer films in the original language along with English subtitles. That said, be sure to check the original language of the movie as some are dubbed into German (“OV” stands for original version and “OmU” for original with subtitles).

Even better: while most of these cinemas below offer some kind of food and drink items, guests are often allowed to bring their own snacks and picnics.

Freilichtkino Kreuzberg

freilicht kreuzberg
Image from Flikr

This Kreuzberg classic can be found in the back garden of the striking former hospital Kunstquartier Bethanien, whose rooms are now used for exhibitions, theatre and dance as well as artist workshops and studios. Screenings are usually a good mixture of international independent, classics and documentary movies as well as the occasional Hollywood flick. Each movie is only shown once, always in its original version with English subtitles (or German subtitles if the original is in English). Make sure to be there in good time to nab one of the cosy deck chairs, which come with blankets where necessary.

Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin,, Entry: €7, Screenings daily from 9.30pm. Capacity: 600

Freilichtkino Friedrichshain

Images from Arne Höhne Press

Many of Berlin’ open air cinemas are located in Friedrichshain, but with 1,500 seats this one is the biggest. Set deep inside the lovely and sprawling

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