“Not to find one’s way around a city does not mean much. But to lose one’s way in a city, as one loses one’s way in a forest, requires some schooling.” – Walter Benjamin

to the spooling thread
of a blackbird’s raga
gravity loosens and
Berlin floats – just a little
just off the Ku’damm
a corporate glass palace
with outdoor aviary
squawks and fireworks of
green and red, caged
and displayed as trophies.
did the birds
of East and West
sing different songs?
can walls ever
constrain the birds?
that moment when
subterranean shackles
are shattered and
the S-Bahn explodes
into light.
drifting back from
the bauhaus-archiv
having just read
of the stormtroopers
arriving on 11th April 1933
the bauhaus is closed
but minds and ideas
continue to expand
In the old hunting forest
under the gaze of
the golden angel
quietness and stillness
mute graffiti bunker
I could be the last
person on earth
footprints in
the children’s sandbox
a trace of presence
a presence of absence
the open-air museum
of street lamps
a chronology of gas
technology and progress
a timeline
illuminating a history
of human darkness.
her skull shattered
and a bullet in the head
Rosa sinks under
the dark water of the
Landwehr canal
her flickering flame
snuffed out
distant sparks kindle…

blue stars are pushing through
but today huddle for warmth
blackbirds, finches,
and a leering zoo
hyena for company.
Now playing: Einstürzende Neubauten – Strategies Against Architecture III (1991 – 2001).