Berlin’s Mauerweg, or Berlin Wall Trail, is a fully signposted cycle and hiking path that follows the course of the former Berlin Well. In the summer of 2014, over several days, I walked its entire 160km length and wrote an impressionistic essay about the experience in a book entitled “Mauerweg: Stories From The Berlin Wall“.
The book also contains a selection of images from the walk and a separate essay on the Mauerweg by my colleague and friend Paul Scraton, who maintains a blog dedicated to the trail and has also walked the entire thing (over a slightly longer period of time).
You can see a sampler from the book here, as well as a condensed extract I wrote for The Guardian here. While some of the photos of my walk have appeared in the book (and also in this Tagesspiegel photo essay), the bigger variety below is intended to offer a broader visual impression of the entire circuit.
Should you want to walk the wall yourself, you can find detailed information on how to do it (and what to see) here. And if you’d prefer to cycle, see our post here.